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浙江大学 生物系统工程与食品科学学院 |
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德国霍恩海姆大学 |
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中国农业大学 |
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德国霍恩海姆大学 |
2011.11; 2012.11-2013.1 |
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中国农业大学 |
2011 |
- Zhang Z., Xu J.*, Jin S., Zhuang H., Li S., Wu X., Zhang Z. (2024) Considerable energy crop production potentials in the Russian Far East. Biomass and Bioenergy, 189, 107365.
- Wu, H., Zhang, Z.*, Xu, J.*, Song, J., Han, J., Zhang, J., Mei, Q., Cheng, F., Zhuang, H., and Li, S. (2024). Food consumption away from home had divergent impacts on diet nutrition quality across urban and rural China. Food Security. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12571-024-01514-4.
- Xu J., Gao J., de Holanda H.V., Rodríguez L.F., Caixeta-Filho J.V., Zhong R., Jiang H., Li H., Du Z., Wang X., Wang S., Ting K.C., Ying Y., Lin T. (2021) Double cropping and cropland expansion boost grain production in Brazil. Nature Food, 2 (4), 264 - 273.
- b. Zhejiang University Newsroom - Story behind grain boom in Brazil
- Zhang B.1, Xu J.1, Lin Z., Lin T., Faaij A.P.C. (2021) Spatially explicit analyses of sustainable agricultural residue potential for bioenergy in China under various soil and land management scenarios. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 137, 110614.
- Xu, J., Gauder, M., Zikeli, S., Möhring, J., Gruber, S., & Claupein, W. (2018) Effects of 16-year woodchip mulching on weeds and yield in organic farming. Agronomy Journal, 110(1), 359-368.
- Xu, J., Gauder, M., Gruber, S., & Claupein, W. (2017) Yields of annual and perennial energy crops in a 12-year field trial. Agronomy Journal, 109(3), 811-821.
- Liang, R., Zhang, Y., Hu, Q., Li, T., Li, S., Yuan, W., Xu, J., Zhao, Y., Zhang, P., Chen, W., et al. (2024). Satellite-Based Monitoring of Methane Emissions from China’s Rice Hub. Environmental Science & Technology. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.4c09822.
- Han J., Zhang Z., Xu J., Chen Y., Jägermeyr J., Cao J., Luo Y., Cheng F., Zhuang H., Wu H., Mei Q., Song J., Tao F. (2024) Threat of low-frequency high-intensity floods to global cropland and crop yields. Nature Sustainability, 7 (8), 994 - 1006.
- Zhuang H., Zhang Z., Cheng F., Han J., Luo Y., Zhang L., Cao J., Zhang J., He B., Xu J., Tao F. (2024) Integrating data assimilation, crop model, and machine learning for winter wheat yield forecasting in the North China Plain. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 347, 109909.
- Mei Q., Zhang Z., Han J., Song J., Dong J., Wu H., Xu J., Tao F. (2024) ChinaSoyArea10m: a dataset of soybean-planting areas with a spatial resolution of 10m across China from 2017 to 2021. Earth System Science Data, 16 (7), 3213 - 3231.
- Zhang Z., Luo Y., Han J., Xu J., Tao F. (2024) Estimating global wheat yields at 4 km resolution during 1982–2020 by a spatiotemporal transferable method. Remote Sensing, 16 (13), 2342.
- Wu H., Zhang J., Zhang Z., Han J., Cao J., Zhang L., Luo Y., Mei Q., Xu J., Tao F. (2023) AsiaRiceYield4km: seasonal rice yield in Asia from 1995 to 2015. Earth System Science Data, 15 (2), 791 - 808.
- Zhu P., Burney J., Chang J., Jin Z., Mueller N.D., Xin Q., Xu J., Yu L., Makowski D., Ciais P. (2022) Warming reduces global agricultural production by decreasing cropping frequency and yields. Nature Climate Change, 12 (11), 1016 - 1023.
- Cheng F., Zhang Z., Zhuang H., Han J., Luo Y., Cao J., Zhang L., Zhang J., Xu J., Tao F. (2022) ChinaCropSM1 km: A fine 1km daily soil moisture dataset for dryland wheat and maize across China during 1993-2018. Earth System Science Data, 15 (1), 395 - 409.
- Lin Z., Zhong R., Xiong X., Guo C., Xu J., Zhu Y., Xu J., Ying Y., Ting K.C., Huang J., Lin T. (2022) Large-scale rice mapping using multi-task spatiotemporal deep learning and Sentinel-1 SAR time series. Remote Sensing, 14 (3), 699.
- Lin T., Zhong R., Wang Y., Xu J., Jiang H., Xu J., Ying Y., Rodriguez L., Ting K.C., Li H. (2020) DeepCropNet: a deep spatial-temporal learning framework for county-level corn yield estimation. Environmental Research Letters, 15 (3), 034016.
- Jiang H., Hu H., Zhong R., Xu J., Xu J., Huang J., Wang S., Ying Y., Lin T. (2020) A deep learning approach to conflating heterogeneous geospatial data for corn yield estimation: A case study of the US Corn Belt at the county level. Global Change Biology, 26 (3), 1754 - 1766.
- Xu J., Zhu Y., Zhong R., Lin Z., Xu J., Jiang H., Huang J., Li H., Lin T. (2020) DeepCropMapping: A multi-temporal deep learning approach with improved spatial generalizability for dynamic corn and soybean mapping. Remote Sensing of Environment, 247, 111946.
- Lin T., Xu J., Shen X., Jiang H., Zhong R., Wu S., Du Z., Rodriguez L., Ting K.C. (2019) Spatiotemporal assessment of field residues of rice, maize, and wheat at provincial and county levels in China. GCB Bioenergy, 11 (10), 1146 - 1158.
- Gruber, S., Xu, J., Zikeli, S., Belz, R. Potential of wood chips for weed control, In: Adujemo, T. Ol, Vögele, R.T. (eds.) Biopesticides-botanical and microorganisms for improving agriculture and human health. Chapter 6, Logos Verlag Berlin. (Book chapter)
Xu, J., Exploring Opportunities for China's Food Security within the Framework of Globalization. Presented at Frontiers in Soil Health and Food Security: A Youth-Led Vanguard International Symposium. Yunnan, China, Oct. 16-19, 2024 (Invited talk)
Xu, J., de Holanda, H. V., and Lin, T. Driving Process for the Booming Grain Production in Brazil: A Transition from Extensification to Intensification. Presented at 2019 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 10-13, 2019