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香港大学 博士


2008/02至今 bw必威西汉姆联官网











Zheng Y;Huang J;Li S;Nie J;Chen H;Han G. Socioeconomic impacts on damage risk from typhoons in mega-urban regions in China: A case study using Typhoons Mangkhut and Lekima[J]. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISASTER RISK REDUCTION,2024(101): 1-14.

Zheng Y, Xu W, Huang J, Lv A. Spatial agglomeration of high-pollution factories and PM2.5 pollution: Evidence from prefecture-level cities in China from 1998 to 2013. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2022; 366(1).

Zheng Y*, Yang H, Huang J, Cui Q, Zhan J. Industrial agglomeration measured by plants’ distance and CO2 emissions: Evidence from 268 Chinese prefecture-level cities. Technological Forcasting & Social Change. 2022; 176(2022):1158.

Zheng Y*, Huang J, Yin Q. What Are the Reasons for the Different COVID-19 Situations in Different Cities of China? A Study from the Perspective of Population Migration. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(6):3255.

Zheng Y*, Yang H, Huang J, Wang L, Lv A. The Impacts of the Geographic Distribution of Manufacturing Plants on Groundwater Withdrawal in China. Water. 2021; 13(9):1158.

Zheng Y*, Xu W, Dai L. Urban growth in a post‐2000 central Chinese urban agglomeration: Case study of the Changzhutan region. Growth and Change: A Journal of Urban and Regional Policy. 2020; 51(1): 464.

Zheng Y* , Chen T , Cai J M, et al. Regional Concentration and Region-Based Urban Transition: China's Mega-Urban Region Formation in the 1990S[J]. Urban Geography, 2009, 30(3):312-333.

Zheng Y*, China’s Mega-urban Regions: Spatial Restructuring as Global Manufacturing Platforms. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2009.

Zheng Y*, Zhao S, Huang J, Lv A. Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Pattern and Mechanism of Land Use Mixture: Evidence from China’s County Data. Land. 2021.

Zheng Y, Wang L, Chen H, Lv A. Does the Geographic Distribution of Manufacturing Plants Exacerbate Groundwater Withdrawal? -A case study of Hebei Province in China, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 213, 642-649.

Cui Q., He L., Liu Y., Zheng Y*., Wei W., Yang B., & Zhou M. 2021. The impacts of COVID-19 pandemic on China’s transport sectors based on the CGE model coupled with a decomposition analysis approach. Transport Policy, 103: 103-115.

Dai L, Zheng Y*, Sit V F S, et al. A new pattern of Extended Metropolitan Regions (EMRs) in China: A case study in the Changzhutan(CZT)EMR[J]. International Development Planning Review, 2015: 399-422.

Wu J, Zhao L , Zheng Y, et al. Regional differences in the relationship between climatic factors, vegetation, land surface conditions, and dust weather in China’s Beijing-Tianjin Sand Source Region[J]. Natural Hazards, 2012, 62(1):31-44.

Dai L, Sit V F S, Zheng Y. Formation and Delimitation of Extended Metropolitan Regions in Central China:a case study in the Changzhutan EMR[J]. International Journal of Humanities & Social Science, 2013, 3(12):265-277.

Zheng Y, Zhao Z, Wu WS, Du YM, The New Measures: Hong Kong and Macao Tackling the Financial Crisis, in CHINA’S NEW DEAL: Chinese Economic Development under the International Financial Crisis, Nova Science Publishers, 2011.

郑艳婷,李智贤,张可云. 经济追赶、创新水平与经济可持续发展——基于长江中游和成渝城市群的比较分析.学术研究,2022(11):85-95.

郑艳婷,杨慧丹,孟大虎. 我国南北经济增速差距扩大的机理分析. 经济纵横,2021(3): 100.

郑艳婷. 中国城市群的空间模式——分散性区域集聚的理论背景、形成机理及最新进展. 地理科学进展,2020(3): 339-352.

郑艳婷. 中国的城市群——时空过程及作用机理,经济日报出版社,2019.

郑艳婷, 王韶菲, 许婉婷. 长江中游制造业分布为何呈分散态势[J].bw必威西汉姆联官网学报, 2018(5): 135-147.

郑艳婷, 王韶菲, 戴荔珠,等.长江中游地区制造业企业时空演化格局[J].经济地理, 2018(5):117-125.

郑艳婷, 马金英, 戴荔珠,等. 武汉城市群的区域性城市化特征及其动力机制[J].资源科学, 2016, 38(10):1948-1961.

郑艳婷, 王颖, 黎亚萌,等. 民营环保企业的成长之路——江苏宜兴艾特克控股集团调研[J].经济研究参考, 2016(1):83-87.

郑艳婷, 黎亚萌, 王韶菲. 水污染治理行业的创新与问题研究——江苏省宜兴市水污染治理行业调研报告[J].环境与可持续发展, 2015(4):97-99.

郑艳婷, 徐利刚. 发达国家推动绿色能源发展的历程及启示[J].资源科学, 2012, 34(10):1855-1863.(CSSCI,被中国人民大学复印报刊资料2013年第2期全文转载)

薛凤旋, 郑艳婷. 《清明上河图》所反映的北宋城市化与城市文明[J].北京规划建设, 2015(2).97-99.

孙祥栋, 郑艳婷, 张亮亮. 基于集聚经济规律的城市规模问题研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境, 2015, 25(3):74-81.

郑艳婷,黎亚萌,王韶菲. 资源城市绿色发展转型之路——山西省晋城市调研报告, 2015中国绿色发展指数报告——区域比较, 2015,章节.

郑艳婷, 马金英. 北京市污水资源化利用现状及其对策分析研究[J].环境科学与管理, 2014,39(11):187-190.

李晓西, 郑艳婷, 蔡宁. 能源绿色战略的国际比较与借鉴[J].国家行政学院学报, 2012(6):23-29.(被《新华文摘》2013年第8期全文转载)

戴荔珠, 郑艳婷, 薛凤旋,等. 中国内陆城市群的发展特征及其动力机制研究——以长株潭为例[J].城市发展研究, 2014, 21(10):4-11.

李晓西, 郑艳婷, 蔡宁. 绿色战略:美丽中国.经济研究参考, 2013(2):42-68.

薛凤旋, 郑艳婷, 许志桦. 国外城市群发展及其对中国城市群的启示[J].区域经济评论, 2014(4):147-152.

郑艳婷, 马金英, 戴荔珠. 城市群——城镇化战略的桥头堡[J].财经界(学术版), 2013(21):45-46.

蔡建明,郑艳婷,王妍(译).养育更美好的城市——都市农业推进可持续发展,商务印书馆, 2008.

薛凤旋, 郑艳婷. 国际航空货运枢纽港:以航空物流为新竞争优势[J].国际城市规划, 2007, 22(1):48-57.

薛凤旋, 郑艳婷. 我国都会经济区的形成及其界定[J].经济地理, 2005, 25(6):827-833.(CSSCI)

郑艳婷, 刘盛和, 陈田. 试论半城市化现象及其特征——以广东省东莞市为例[J].地理研究, 2003, 22(6):760-768.