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国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目, “共建共治共享视域下的消防安全多元治理问题研究”,主持,2025-2028, 在研;
广东省基础与应用基础研究基金青年基金项目,“粤港澳大湾区消防安全风险定量评估技术与多元治理策略研究”,主持,2023-2026, 在研;
Journal of Safety Science and Resilience期刊审稿人、公共安全科学技术学会消防分会青年委员、港珠澳大桥突发事件应急管理专家库成员、深圳市应急管理专家委员会专家、珠海市民族团结进步促进会理事会成员
Hu J, Shu X, Xie X, et al. Construction and Application of Knowledge Graph for Building Fire[J]. Fire Technology, 2024: 1-29.
Hu J, Xie X, Shu X, et al. Fire Risk Assessments of Informal Settlements Based on Fire Risk Index and Bayesian Network[J]. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022, 19(23): 15689.
Hu J, Shu X, Shen S, et al. A method to improve the determination of ignition probability in buildings based on Bayesian network[J]. Fire and Materials, 2022, 46(4): 666-676.
Hu J, Wu J, Shu X, et al. Analysis and prediction of fire water pressure in buildings based on IoT data[J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2021, 43: 103197.
Hu J, Shu X, Xie S, et al. Socioeconomic determinants of urban fire risk: a city-wide analysis of 283 Chinese cities from 2013 to 2016[J]. Fire Safety Journal, 2019, 110: e102890-e102890.
胡俊,吴家浩,申世飞,等. 消防应急科普场馆中的场景化科普模式研究. 科普研究, 2021, 16(05): 51-58+101-102.
Xuecai X, Xueming S, Gui F, Shifei, S., Qingsong, J., Hu J, & Zhirong, W. Accident causes data-driven coal and gas outburst accidents prevention: Application of data mining and machine learning in accident path mining and accident case-based deduction[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2022, 162: 891-913.
Ni, X, Huang, H, Liu, Y, Liu, K, Wang, M, & Hu J. Study of local traffic flow fluctuation under rainfall and waterlogging with characteristics of dynamic spatiotemporal changes. Journal of transportation engineering, Part A: Systems, 148(7), 04022039.
Wu J, Mao J, Hu J, et al. Monitoring and Prediction of Fire Water System Based on Wireless Detection Method[J]. Fire Technology, 2022: 1-16.
Tang S Y, Shu X M, Hu J, et al. Study on RSS/AOA hybrid localization in life detection in huge disaster situation[J]. Natural Hazards, 2019, 95(3): 569-583.
Tang S Y, Shu X M, Shen S F, Hu J. Study of a Novel Wireless Indoor Positioning System for Monitoring[C]//2016 International Conference on Information System and Artificial Intelligence (ISAI). IEEE, 2016: 296-299.
贺胜,疏学明,胡俊等.基于消防大数据的电气火灾风险预测预警方法[J].清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2024, 64(03):478-491.
疏学明,颜峻,胡俊,等. 基于Bayes网络的建筑火灾风险评估模型. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 60(04): 321-327.
唐诗洋,疏学明,胡俊,等. 基于E-V融合的线上-线下联合监控技术. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2018,58(6): 576-580.
颜峻,疏学明,胡俊,等. 建筑火灾中人员疏散响应过程推理与评估模型研究[J].消防科学与技术,2020, 39(10): 1430-1434.
吴津津, 疏学明, 胡俊. 机场智慧消防建设中安全管理创新机制探索.2020中国消防协会科学技术年会论文集[C]. 中国消防协会, 2020.
2024.05: Jun H, Duo M, Chen A, et al. Wildfire Evacuation Challenges in Multi-ethnic Communities: An Information Communication Perspective. ISCRAM Proceedings,口头报告,德国明斯特
2018. 05: Jun H, Xue-ming S, Shi-fei S, et al. Analysis of Core Social Actors in Nine Types of Mass Incidents Based on Social Network Analysis. The 15th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM2018), 口头报告,美国罗切斯特
2016. 11: Jun H, Xue-ming S, Shi-fei S, et al. New Approach of Abnormal Events Judgement and Early-warning Based on Combination of Audio Analysis and Video Analysis. International Conference on Computer Engineering and Information System (CEIS2016), 口头报告,中国上海
2016.10: Jun H, Xue-ming S, Shi-fei S, et al. Research of spatial distribution rules of mass incidents based on GIS. Proceedings of the Second ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on the Use of GIS in Emergency Management, 口头报告,美国伯灵格姆