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国家自然科学基金面上项目 “震后山区孕灾环境变化下的 “滑坡 -泥石流 -山洪”形成机制及其综合风险评估 -以四川平武洪溪河流域为例”,2017-2020,参与。
中国科学院对外合作重点项目“‘一带一路’自然灾害风险与综合减灾国际研究计划”子课题 “一带一路”自然灾害多灾种风险评估,2016-2021,参与。·
Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) “Philippine mining at the national to catchment scale: from legacy impacts to sustainable futures”, 2021-2023,参与。
《Natural Hazards》期刊审稿人
《Earth System Science Data》期刊审稿人
Xie, J., Wang, M., Liu, K., & Coulthard, T. J. Modeling sediment movement and channel response to rainfall variability after a major earthquake. Geomorphology, 320, 18-32.
Xie J*, Coulthard T J, McLelland S J. Modelling the impact of seismic triggered landslide location on basin sediment yield, dynamics and connectivity[J]. Geomorphology, 2022, 398: 108029.
Xie, J., Coulthard, T. J., Wang, M., & Wu, J. Tracing seismic landslide-derived sediment dynamics in response to climate change. CATENA, 2022, 217: 106495.
Xie, J., Coulthard, T. J., Cao, J., Wu, J., & Wang, M. (2024). How does landslide debris grain size control sediment transport and dynamics?. Geomorphology, 451, 109050.
Zhang, X., Wang, M., Liu, K., Xie, J., & Xu, H. (2018). Using ndvi time series to diagnose vegetation recovery after major earthquake based on dynamic time warping and lower bound distance. Ecological Indicators, 94, 52-61.
Cao J, Zhang Z, Xie J, et al. Tailoring wheat agronomic management to ENSO phases to manage climate variability in Australia at 5-minute resolution[J]. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2024, 356: 110168.
Wang, M., Liu, K., Yang, G., & Xie, J. Three-dimensional slope stability analysis using laser scanning and numerical simulation, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, ISSN: 1947-5705.
Li, C., Wang, M., Liu, K., & Xie, J. Topographic changes and their driving factors after 2008 Wenchuan earthquake. Geomorphology, 311, 27-36.
Veryard, R., Wu, J., O'Brien, M. J., Anthony, R., Both, S., Burslem, D. F., … Xie, J.& Reynolds, G., Hector, A. (2022). Positive effects of tree diversity on tropical forest restoration in a field-scale experiment[J]. Science Advances, 2023, 9(37): eadf0938.
Wu, J., Chen, B., Reynolds, G., Xie, J., Liang, S., O'Brien, M. J., & Hector, A. (2020). Monitoring tropical forest degradation and restoration with satellite remote sensing: A test using Sabah Biodiversity Experiment. Advances in Ecological Research, 2020, 62: 117-146.
谢军, 汪明,刘凯。震后极端降雨下流域产沙及物质运移规律模拟——以四川省洪溪河流域为例[J]。水土保持研究,2019 (2019年01): 1-7。
谢军,一种基于 CAESAR-Lisflood 模型的流域泥沙溯源模拟方法(专利号:ZL202110929599.7)
2017.12 J Xie, M Wang, K Liu. Modeling Channel Movement Response to Rainfall Variability and Potential Threats to Post-earthquake Reconstruction. AGU Fall meeting,海报报告,美国新奥尔良。
2018.12 J Xie, TJ Coulthard. Modelling the impact of landslides on landscape evolution. BSG Windsor Workshop. 口头报告,英国温莎。
2019.09 J Xie, TJ Coulthard, S McLelland. Modelling the impact of seismic triggered landslide location on basin sediment yield, dynamics and connectivity. BSG Annual Conference,海报报告,英国谢菲尔德。
2019.12 J Xie, TJ Coulthard, S McLelland. Modelling the impact of seismic landslide size, frequency and connectivity on long term landscape evolution. AGU Fall Meeting,口头报告,美国旧金山。
2021.04 J Xie, TJ Coulthard, Tracing seismic landslide-derived sediment dynamics in response to climate change, EGU General Assembly, 口头报告,奥地利维也纳。
2022.05 J Xie, TJ Coulthard, How does landslide debris grainsize control sediment transport and dynamics. EGU General Assembly. 口头报告,奥地利维也纳。
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